Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Where have I been?

I'm back!

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Maybe you have missed me and maybe you haven't but either way, I am back to this blogging business! I have a semi-legitimate excuse for my absence.  I have moved from Ohio to Colorado over the past two weeks!

There was lots of goodbye, packing, moving, unpacking, and settling.  But I am in Colorado now and am getting settled.  I would just like to say that I aboslutely hate moving!  It is likely because I have too much stuff, but nonetheless I hate it.

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Please note my dad's disgusted look at all my stuff.

Also, I am not too fond of driving across Iowa.  I could handle Nebraska, but I did not like Iowa.  I will likely be flying back to Wisconsin  to visit family instead of driving unless here is an extreme need for me to drive.

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I would also like to add that actual road trips are never as fun as I think that they are in my head!

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Highlight of the trip: Befriending the Kum & Go social media representative on Twitter.

I am sad to have had to leave Columbus, but am very happy to begin my new adventure!  I will be posting about what I did during in my hiatus in the coming weeks.

If you want to keep update on my life happenings, follow me on Twitter or Instagram.

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